Our Clients

A&P Falmouth Ltd
A&P is a leading force in ship repair, conversion and marine services. Today, they operate some of the world’s best equipped and most up to date repair facilities.
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MB92 Barcelona
One of the largest superyacht refit shipyards in the world. Part of the MB92 Group, MB92 Barcelona has provided refit, repair and maintenance solutions to Superyachts for over 25 years. Covering 126,000 m2, the facilities have benefitted from a consistent investment approach and now include the latest in advanced service technology as well as provide workshops for over 40 on-site working partners.
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Babcock Marine Ltd
Babcock Marine Ltd offers a complete range of design, build and support solutions across both defence and commercial sectors. In addition to its traditional refit and maintenance role, Babcock Marine is increasingly working at the earlier stages of major warship design and construction.
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Pendennis Shipyard Ltd
One of Europe’s premier Superyacht service providers. The skilled and dedicated craftsmen offer a complete range of new build, refit and after sales service.
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BAE Systems Maritime
BAE's renowned experience combined with leading edge technology has ensured that a wide range of its naval vessels have been selected by navies of the world for over a century.
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Fugro GeoServices
As a specialist marine drilling contractor, the company operates in both nearshore and offshore markets, with a unique range of specialist vessels and equipment which it has designed and built.
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Founded in 1824, the Royal National Lifeboat Institution is the charity that saves lives at sea. There are over 350 lifeboats in the RNLI fleet based at stations around the UK and Ireland.
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Bosch Rexroth
Rexroth represents a one-stop source for all drive and control technologies and provides productive, energy-efficient and customized solutions. Bosch Rexroth, The Drive & Control Company, has a history of more than 200 years, production and customizing sites in 20 countries and sales associates in 80 countries.
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Team We are here to help solve your engineering challenges, however though they may be
Team We are here to help solve your engineering challenges, however though they may be
Partners Distributors and suppliers for leading hydraulics and engineering brands.
Partners Distributors and suppliers for leading hydraulics and engineering brands.
Careers Build your career with one of the world's leading innovators in engineering
Careers Build your career with one of the world's leading innovators in engineering